Hello. I started this thread, in which you can write your ideas for Legendary Events. This could involve stories such as encounters with Legendary Pokémon and eventually befriending them (much like with the Solgaleo event), confrontations with villains who have Legendaries as their sync pair partners (like those with Giovanni and Mewtwo, Cyrus and Palkia, Ghetsis and Kyurem, etc.), a Trainer ending up teaming up with a Legendary (like the Silver and Ho-Oh event), etc.
Don't worry about viability. It's just for fun.
Here is an example (although this is only a part of the beginning):
Earlier at the Pokémon Center, Gloria hears people saying that they saw Eternatus and Chairman Rose. Assuming that these two might have arrived on Pasio to cause trouble, she and Zacian go to warn Hop and Leon.